The Park Statue

Still as the smallest tree around of the garden in the wonderful park

Tough as a small, surrounded army of shells on the beach where the children play all day.

Around in the garden of plants and stones.

The statue stands still as a small stone with his hat high on his head

Under a tree as large as a mountain with snow on it’s peak

Everyone around takes many photos as he was so famous in all their huge hearts for he was the famous one that they all agreed looked after the world more that anyone with greed

2 thoughts on “The Park Statue”

  1. Wow amazing work this week Eliza! I love the acrostic poem style that you’ve taken. Not only does it fit the prompt well, this approach has also really shown your creativity and skill. Your language and descriptive techniques too, are beautifully done. Overall, an excellent job!
    Keep up the good work,
    Anna (Team 100WC)

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